Fathiaa Abdalah Kalefa Albarony
The Department of psychology at the Academy of graduate studies was established in the spring (2002), similar to the departments that the Department of Social Sciences was collecting at that time, and this situation continued until the academic year spring (2005), where it became a future department, when the school of Humanities was established, which included the Department of psychology along with eight other departments. The Department of psychology (psychological guidance and counseling division), which graduated more than thirty researchers, began granting them a high master's degree in psychology, many of them were distinguished and oriented towards addressing the problems of society, where students of the Department of psychology (psychological guidance and counseling division) receive specialized lectures and public lectures, and receive field training under the supervision of their professors as part of their educational mission, and through the registration procedures for the spring semester (2009), the Scientific Council of the department the community should study their conditions and problems, and find solutions for them through the processes of guidance and counseling, and then After that, a dissertation allowance system was also introduced, and it was decided to select six subjects in two consecutive semesters through which the student would receive a high master's degree.
The Department seeks to have a distinguished role in the field of topics related to psychology, specifically in the field of “psychological guidance and counseling” and “childhood studies”, and in order to maintain good performance and interest in the qualitative direction, the department tries to combine theoretical research specialized preparation and applied professional preparation.
As an extension of the Department's vision, and in application of it, the Department of psychology seeks through its two divisions to prepare highly qualified graduates according to what will be contained in the Department's objectives, in addition to a modest contribution to knowledge related to the concept of psychology in its various branches and within the limits of the Department's material and Human goals and capabilities.
- Preparing qualified students in the field of psychological guidance and counseling and the field of childhood studies.
- Providing students with the latest developments in their fields of specialization, focusing on issues related to community problems, especially with regard to the developmental aspect, and preparing a person capable of contributing to the uplift and progress of society.
- Preparing and training professors who can be used through cooperation and scientific exchange between the corresponding departments and the corresponding institutions locally, internationally and internationally and finding joint scientific projects.
- To provide graduates with community values and positive trends, which will help to instill the spirit of citizenship, the national spirit, pride in the homeland and try to solve its problems, and to help them fight negative trends that are not consistent with the values of society.
- Try to prepare a program for exact leave in the two mentioned specialties-guidance, psychological counseling and childhood studies.